Nicolas Karambadzakis


Nicolas K

Nicolas Karambadzakis is a trained banker with 25 years of experience in micro and small enterprise lending, social investment, fundraising, impact assessment and technical assistance management. For German-based consultancy Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, he advised banks downscaling to micro and small enterprise lending and managed advisory projects around financial inclusion in Africa and Asia for international development banks; prior to that he was part of the team building up the European Fund for Southeast Europe, a large microfinance investment vehicle. During the last ten years, Nicolas led the transition of ECLOF’s fundraising from a grants-based to a market-based investment model; and he led initiatives around Social Performance Management and impact assessment across the ECLOF network. Nicolas is a qualified social auditor (Cerise SPI4), holds a Bachelor’s degree in business and an MBA from Cambridge University. He speaks German, English, Russian, Spanish and Macedonian.