Dec 22, 2015 – ECLOF International with its Asian member MFIs, i.e. ECLOF India, ECLOF Myanmar, ECLOF Philippines, and ECLOF Sri Lanka, have become members of the Banking with the Poor Network (BWTP).
The BWTP is the largest microfinance network in Asia, it connects close to 100 members as diverse as microfinance institutions, commercial banks, regulators and providers of technical assistance. They all share the commitment to improving the quality of life of the poor through promoting and facilitating their access to sustainable financial services.
The Asia-Pacific region is still home to an estimated 1.2 billion people who do not have access to a bank account or formal financial services. BWTP works through cooperation, training and capacity building towards building efficient, large-scale sustainable organizations, with the aim of achieving innovative, appropriate and demand-driven financial services for the poor across Asia.