Client Stories

Clients are at the heart of what ECLOF does. In contrast to traditional microfinance that offered merely standardized credit products, ECLOF takes a more comprehensive approach of looking at its clients’ lives — and how our services can help improve them. This has led us to more tailored financial products, like agricultural value chain loans or education loans, but also to an increasing range of non-financial services: training clients on issues related to their business and family wellbeing, like health, home improvement, or access to water. Meet some of our clients:

From Passion to Prosperity: How Juana Collaguazo’s Pig Farming Thrives with ECLOF Ecuador’s Support

ECLOF Ecuador

Pedro Ignacio Camargo: Organic Agriculture Boosting Farmers’ Produce and Income in Colombia

ECLOF Colombia

A resolve to grow: Mrs. Krishnaveni – from Homemaker to Micro entrepreneur


ECLOF Ecuador: Boosting the economic impact of community banks through loans & education

ECLOF Ecuador

Yesterday, today & tomorrow: Milagro de la Cruz, Agricultural Micro-Entrepreneur & long-term ECLOF Dominicana Client

ECLOF Dominican Republic

Mrs. Ssewanonda Agnes: ECLOF has been a pillar that has supported my business to this day, even in difficult times

ECLOF Uganda

Anert Mwenda – From Housewife to a Successful Entrepreneur


Victor Adviento – “There is money in farming!”

ECLOF Philippines

Ms. Kalaiselvi – A better life thanks to an entrepreneurial spirit


Lidia & the Rainbow

ECLOF Dominicana

Gatazo Zambrano – Community building, training and loans for a highlands indigenous community

ECLOF Ecuador

Romualdo Conceicao dos Santos – From farm laborer to independent farmer

ECLOF Brazil

From drug addiction to financial independence through a church project

ECLOF Jamaica

Wijayalaxume Sebastian – From dependency to self-employment

ECLOF Sri Lanka

Ms. Khin Myo Wai

ECLOF Myanmar

Myanmar – Ei Ma Village

ECLOF Myanmar

Mrs. Vedavalli – Learning about basic finance and group management skills through role plays


Robert Mukome – a small scale farmer


Barren Land turned around to an income generating green plantation

ECLOF Sri Lanka

From a daily wager to a proud landowner


Closer to clients through payment terminals

ECLOF Armenia

Mr. Kahwa Dan of Kigumba : Building a community school from Scratch

ECLOF Uganda

Eunice Nekesa’s testimonial

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