Glamping, family accommodation or holiday hut? Micro tourism in Armenia
ECLOF Armenia
ECLOF Sri Lanka: Ranked among top 3 on social impact in Asia
ECLOF Sri Lanka
“A story that gives us hope! Archbishop Linda Nicholls of the Anglican Church of Canada visits ECLOF-funded dairy farmers in Kenya”
[Client Story] Anert Mwenda – From Housewife to a Successful Entrepreneur
500 trees planted: Members and staff of ECLOF Coop in the Dominican Republic organize a Day of Reforestation
ECLOF Dominican Republic
Merry Christmas from Ecuador’s highlands
ECLOF Ecuador
Merry Christmas from ECLOF Colombia
ECLOF Colombia
Staff capacity building at ECLOF Dominican Republic: Diplomas, awards and a Western-themed Christmas party
ECLOF Dominican Republic
[Client Story] Victor Adviento : "There is money in farming!”
ECLOF Philippines
[Social Impact] Global Microfinance Index launches: ECLOF members ranked highly